Kindermusik with the WFSO

The Wichita Falls Symphony Orchestra strives to impact and educate children of all ages. By offering a Kindermusik program in the Texoma Community, children will have an opportunity to get ahead in all areas of development while they discover a deep love of music in the process.

Kindermusik Classes

Start DateDay/TimeClassAgesLicensed EducatorLocationStatusClass Details
Aug 3, 2024Sat 10:00AMLevel 2 IN-PERSON1.5 - 3.5Charity SmithKemp Center for the Arts Enrolling Level 2 Ages : 1.5 - 3.5
Sat 10:00AM (Aug 3, 2024) Enrolling
Kemp Center for the Arts

Contact the WFSO for more information!  l  l  940-723-6202